UX/UI Designer
UX/UI Designer
Using Photoshop
Design and Protype with Photoshop
Using InDesign
Design with InDesign
Text lesson
Design and Protype with Photoshop
Identify the basic components of the Photoshop workspace and Adobe Bridge.
Define image size, resolution, and color modes.
Work with selection tool and layers.
Make image enhancements and adjustments
Open and modify an image in Camera Raw.
Prepare images for print and web.
Draw images by using raster tools such as brushes, stamps, erasers, and gradients.
Create visuals by using vector tools such as the pen, shape, and type tools.
Create special effects and streamline workflow by using advanced layer tools such as masks, filters, layer styles, smart objects, and layer comps.
Streamline your workflow with actions and batch processing.
Create videos and animate graphics within your video
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