(+233) 596 996 038 / 596 996 031 info@jit.edu.gh


Ensure that you read and fully understand all the terms and conditions listed below. These terms and conditions form this contract between the Student (referred to as “You”) and Jackson Institute of Technology (referred to as ‘The Institute’). You agree to these terms (including all regulations and policies) and to be bound by them if you click to accept or agree to these terms where the Institute offers an option to do so.



  • This contract only ends for reasons stipulated below or if we (Jackson Institute of Technology) or you (Student) cancel the registration or a course you have enrolled in. Your fundamental consumer and privacy rights and remedies are guaranteed by law. This contract does not aim to unlawfully or unduly reduce, limit or avoid any rights or obligations under consumer and privacy protection or similar laws.

Any personal information provided to the Institute is strictly confidential and would not be shared with any third party except with the student’s permission.

Any educational or personal document given to the Institute by student, to keep for future use per student’s objective will not be accounted for by the Institute if misplaced, lost, damaged or destroyed.

Any educational or personal document of a student kept by the Institute per the institute’s request will be accounted for by the Institute if misplaced, lost, damaged or destroyed.



  • I understand that, the Tuition Fee (Course Fee) paid may include lab or practical fee, resource fees and provision of Books.

I acknowledge that, I will be awarded a certificate from either NIIT India or Certified Ghana (as they are partners of Jackson Institute of Technology) depending on the course I will enroll in. I will however, be responsible for the cost of any External Certification (for instance, Microsoft, Pearson, etc.) I wish to have after completion of the programme.

  • I understand that, I am under no circumstances, permitted by the institute to make copies of lessons or materials given by the institute to third parties (nonstudents of Jackson Institute of Technology), with or without the aim of selling same to make money. I will face the rigours of the law if I am caught.

I understand that, I am under no circumstance, permitted to engage in a physical, written or oral abuse of an instructor or course mates.

I understand that, I can report any form of abuse from an instructor or course mates to the institute’s authority, for the person to be dealt with according to the rules and regulations of the institute.

  • I understand that, spreading false rumours to defame the name of the institute will lead to complete or total dismissal from the institute depending on the situation as determined by a disciplinary committee.


  • Money paid to the institute as tuition fee (course fee) will not be refunded, except, the course you have registered for / enrolled in is cancelled (not delivered) by the institute due to situations beyond the institute. In that case, there will be a 100% refund of the money paid to the institute.

Where a student is eligible for a refund (For instance, serving the institute a tangible notice to withdraw from a course, 14 days before the start of the course), there will be a 20% administrative fee deduction off the money paid.

Where a student fails to attend lectures, two weeks after classes has begun, without giving any prior notice to the institute, and he/she applies for a refund, the money paid will not be refunded.

  • Should you be in default of any payment, the agreement coming to an end does not prejudice our rights to recoup any outstanding monies.


  • A student may defer the programme for reasons that may prevent him/her from attending lectures, such as protracted illness/hospitalisation, travel, complicated pregnancies, etc. Application for deferral must be placed on the student portal or through any approved channel as directed by the institute.

A student is only permitted to defer his/her programme after receiving an approval letter from the institute. This letter will be delivered electronically to the student through the same medium of application.

  • An applicant who has registered for a course but wishes to defer the programme shall be allowed only if he/she has paid the minimum (60%) amount of course fees as stipulated below the course on the institute’s website.
  • A student who absents himself/herself for two weeks without officially informing the institute shall be considered to have abandoned the programme and shall be required to apply afresh in the next intake if he/she desires to be enrolled at the institute again.
  • A student can defer once after enrolling in any programme.


  • At the end of the deferral period, a student shall apply to resume the programme through the student portal. A student is only permitted to resume his/her programme after receiving an approval letter from the head office. This letter will be delivered electronically to the student’s portal.